Here goes though...promise not to laugh too much.

All I can say is that swiss rolls are harder than they look.
My effort is shown on the left (no amount of icing sugar can cover up that sorry mess), and my mum's is on the right.
I actually had two attempts here and this is the best of the two, which is really saying something. With my first effort I attempted a cake with no refined sugar but boy was that a mistake. The recipe used stevia as a substitute which I found out after baking has an aftertaste that will make you need to scrub your tongue (I actually had to do this).
Ignoring the taste, my first sponge came out pretty nice and fluffy. It cracked a bit while rolling but wasn't a complete disaster. But of course I had to start again, because of the stevia. I used a more traditional cake recipe for my second attempt, but think I rushed the whisking part and didn't get enough air in the mixture as my cake came out of the oven very flat and rubbery (with a distinct eggy aroma). Awful!
I also failed with my filling as I was aiming for something tropical, yoghurty and light, which instead ended up sloppy, oozy and gross. Oh well! You can't succeed at everything.

My mum's sponge actually looked ok, although she also reported a slightly eggy taste when freshly baked. I think her troubles were caused by baking for slightly too long, leading to this interesting geometric swiss roll.
You can't go wrong with a traditional jam filling though - sometimes it pays to play it safe!
We actually had an extra entry into the challenge this time. My brother Tim decided to take part too, and just look what he came up with:

A rather perfect looking swiss roll, which rather steals the show.
It totally looks the part, although both him and my mum confirmed that it was a bit dense and eggy too. Why are swiss rolls so hard?
And to the results...
Ben was very sweet and tried to give me a score of 2/10 but I've overruled that and awarded myself 0 marks as we had to throw the whole thing in the bin.
If I remember correctly my mum was awarded a 3/10 for her effort, and of course Tim came in first, although still with a fairly low score of 5/10.
I think we'll all have to give them another go one day, once the disappointment has worn off.
Next time we'll be making sushi. I'm looking forward to this one!
We can't do much worse...