Wednesday 13 May 2009

she comes in colours everywhere

These are the results of my last screen printing class. It was a BIG rush trying to get all the colours printed in time...and some of them are a bit higgledy-piggledy but I think I like it like that.

Now I'm thinking of other courses I want to do. Not until October of course, once my MA is finished, but my top choice at the moment is pottery. I'd like to do something messy I think.

NEWSFLASH: It's national sandwich week! I hope you have all been consuming lots of bread based snacks. I have half a loaf of bread at home that needs eating today so I am going to eat many a sandwich for lunch (& a jam sandwich for pudding!).

It was also national limerick day yesterday. Someone wonderful wrote me some rhymes in time for my lunch break - it made my day.

And an advance Saturday is world turtle day...I'm not sure what you can do to mark such a special occasion but do get thinking now.


Lois said...

Hi Debbie!
I have been away on holiday and am just now catching up on my favourite blogs. I really like the results of you screen printing.
It looks really good!
Thanks for sharing....I'll be back!
Have a great week.
PS Happy belated Mothers Day!

d e b b i e said...

Thanks Lois!
It's lovely to hear that I'm amongst your favourites.
Hope you had an amazing holiday,
Debbie x