Thursday 10 June 2010

hayfever face

Remember this postcard, which depicted what life would be like in our new house? Well, I've been watering my garden regularly and yesterday I spied the first hints of flowers growing!

They are still very small, but I thought them worthy of documentation so have painted them for Jill's postcard swap, which I am taking part in.

It'll fly off in the post to America tomorrow.

In other news, we drew countries for the World Cup sweepstake at work today and I got Greece. Apparently they aren't going to do so well, but my interest in the football has increased by about 101% now that there is something to play for, so that is a plus.

Greece to win! OPA!

1 comment:

Peas and Needles said...

yay glad you got the card ok! i loved it so i thought you would too!
hope you're good too!

Just to let you know I got North Korea and Honouras in the World Cup. Hmmm not sure about my luck with this one.