i made my mum some brooches today, for mothers day. they were made from a tutorial in
this book (with some slight variations) and i made two in different colours so she'll always have one to match the outfit she's wearing (if she likes them that is, fingers crossed!)
i really like the
Crafter Culture Handbook (a birthday present) and also created these thankyou cards the other day for my swap partners, which were based on another brooch tutorial in the book:

obviously i am into making matching pink and blue things at the moment!
i need to get making a mothers day card too - maybe that'll go on tomorrows 'to do' list (alongside getting her another little gift!).
yesterday i accompanied my friend daniel to a rather posh event at 'aquascutum' in london (free champagne and canapes, who could say no?!) so it was a rather splendid afternoon/evening out, and when we left we got a wonderful goodie bag with lots of v.nice bits and bobs - some magazines, a candle and some skin products (i like free things).
when i was in london i bought a splendid new skirt:

just look at that BIG wooden button! who could resist.
it was also mike's birthday yesterday, here is a little birthday greeting i made him:

that is about as far as my skills go in illustrator. i really need to improve - lessons would be good so i might look into that.
we are off out for a meal on saturday so i'm going to fix him up a nice card by then (and possibly make him a little something else too).
....and that is about all i have for show and tell today, so bye for now.