Friday, 28 January 2011

adventures in sock making


This is the result of my first attempt to knit in the round. Semi-successful: warm but wonky.

I started these socks in December, but after knitting the first one I decided that I wanted to make another pair for Danni, so I interrupted the project in order to finish the second pair in time for Christmas. This might have been a bit of an error as once I returned to my initial pair I must have been more relaxed with my stitching (less tense = less tension) and ended up knitting a much wider sock. So now I have one sock that fits me, and one sock that would be more suitable for bigfoot.

I will continue to wear them though. To protect my toes from frostbite. And maybe next time I'll make a neater pair of socks. I just bought this book which I hope will be a big help in refining my skills.

sock details

Monday, 24 January 2011

Gorilla gorilla

gorilla gorilla

At the weekend I went to London to celebrate George & Milkan's birthdays. We ate food at a lovely Turkish restaurant and visited the Hunterian museum and saw lots of specimens in jars.

I think this is a place you could spend all day drawing. Just make sure you're not feeling queasy before you go in.


figure 1

Lately it feels like I've spent a large proportion of my time in the post office queue (see Figure 1). Fortunately all this waiting has been worth it and I've ended up picking up some nice treats at the end of the long long lines.

In fact, the last month has led to a whole host of treats from kind friends and family with the festive period and birthday double act. Thanks to all. I am very lucky.

Monday, 10 January 2011

jigsaw january

I often like to do a jigsaw puzzle in the winter months and this weekend I put together this lovely silver jubilee portrait of the Queen.

Good recovery from panic about dentistry (which wasn't that bad after all).

Thursday, 6 January 2011

this week I've mostly been thinking about...



I'm having my wisdom tooth taken out in the morning and I am 110% terrified. Wish me luck.
I will definitely need to sit with a cat on my lap tomorrow afternoon.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

a year in knit

Last year was a productive year for wool craft. I finally mastered the art of knitting clothing and learnt how to crochet more than simple blanket squares.

I made: my first cardigan, a warmer cardigan, many crochet flowers, a lace collar, a jumper, a diary, a crochet shawl for mother, some mini scarves for cats, my favourite blue cardigan, a 1-day bobble hat and one and a half pairs of socks.

Despite vowing to knit a bit less often, I still want to try out some new things in the coming months, so have a couple of knitting resolutions to add to the list for 2011:

• A fair isle jumper. I got this magazine (with patterns) for Christmas. So colourful & exciting.
• Some cable knit - I've heard from many sources that this is easier than it looks.
• Knitted bunting (because I must use up all those odds and ends from my wool basket).

But first, tax return...

Monday, 3 January 2011

11 things for 2011

11 things

2010 was a grand year. There were definitely more highs than lows.
And I did pretty well on my new years resolutions too.

So here are some more for this year:

• Challenge myself - Last year it was the London to Brighton. This year maybe paragliding...
• Make an item of clothing.
• Go swimming more often.
• Read more books and knit (a little) less.
• Draw more. I'm going to aim to illustrate at least one shopping list a week from now on.
• Have dim sum.
• Eat lobster.
• Visit new places (Malta & Berlin to begin...)
• Take a packed lunch to work at least twice a week.
• Make and bash a piñata. I now have a kit, thanks to Yumi.
• FONDUE!!! (This is an old old old resolution that must be completed).

Sunday, 2 January 2011



It was my birthday on Thursday.
Rosie made me the best cake I think I've ever seen & I received lots of treats from other friends & family (including this owl mask from Brian).

I also ate lots of Polish food. A favourite.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

bon natale


I had a really lovely Christmas this year.
Lots of warmth, rest, playing games and spending time with people who I don't see often enough.
It felt like a holiday.