I'm still enjoying the amount of variety - they are all pretty unique, especially alongside the colourful walls of the houses. 45 is a particular favourite - I love how it's embedded in the wall.
I'm uploading the photos over on Instagram under #hanoverhousenumbers if you want to follow the series.
The regularity of my posts has definitely slowed down due to the shorter daylight hours and the change in my daily commute, but I expect it will pick up in the summer, and maybe I will be able to reach 100 around a year after I started (in July).
I just need to find a nice number 51 first...
This is a nice project you have Debi chan💕
Loving 37, 44 and 50! These pictures make me want to get a nicer number for our front door, though I suspect my idea of "nice" and my neighbours' (who share the entrance) would not be the same... Looking forward to 51-100 :)
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